But once your script is honed and tightened, don’t wait around for other people to have your voice heard.
We’ll help you take matters into your own hands. A RECORDED table read, especially with the addition of SFX, Foley and music can get your script HEARD and be a powerful weapon to get your script to the top of the ‘reading pile’.
Table Read Examples
“You’ve added yet another exciting dimension to this project, thank you so much. I feel this wouldn’t be out of place on BBC Radio 4 in terms of its quality. I can’t thank you enough.” – Dave Ward, writer of Steadman’s Stronghold.
A high concept drama set in 19th century Georgia, USA a few years before the Civil War about humanity, religion and slavery.
(Explicit warning: contains content and references to 19th century slavery which some people may find offensive)
Steadman’s Stronghold
Pilot Ep – WITH SFX, Foley and Music
Steadman’s Stronghold
Pilot Ep – SFX SHOWCASE Version
Short section 1
This Clip Credits
Steadman’s Stronghold
Pilot Ep – SFX SHOWCASE Version
Short section 2
This Clip Credits
Steadman’s Stronghold
Pilot Ep – SFX SHOWCASE Version
Short section 3
This Clip Credits
A comedy-drama TV series centred around very different people, whose struggles in their day-to-day lives are lightened by humour, and whose coexistence brings about positive change.
Parklife Ep2 “Drew” – short section 1
Showcase (SFX) Version
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Parklife Ep2 “Drew” – short section 1 (again)
(Reading Only)
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TWIN FLAME – Zoom REMOTE Recording (Edited)
A feature-length script following a lonely screenwriter with a vivid imagination and ultimations she must face.
A romantic comedy-drama about friendship, romance and love, struggle, self-belief and not giving up.
Twin Flame – 1 Scene – “Hospital”
(Reading Only – No SFX etc.)
This Clip Credits
Twin Flame – 1 Scene – “Harry and Hero”
(Reading Only – No SFX etc.)
This Clip Credits
Legal T’s & C’s. All the recordings here remain the intellectual property of the writers of each script. They may only be reproduced for the intended purpose of promoting the work of the actors and contributors involved and only once consent is given and subject to any conditions set by by the copyright owner or Spotter. Under no circumstances is it permitted to edit copy or redistribute this material outside these constraints without the owner’s explicit permission, which can be requested via this website through our “Contact Us” page.
In the earlier stages of a completed draft, it will focus the scriptwriter or whoever has a vested interest in the script’s development on the following aspects within the script:
- Dialogue strength and flow
- Writing technique
- Character strengths and consistency
- Scene strength, length and validity
- Story flow
- Sniff out any plot holes
- Help you get out of writer’s block
Actors bring the characters to life and highlight what works and what could be improved upon to allow a script to reach its greatest potential.
A professionally RECORDED table read has the benefit of being done remotely.
You don’t even have to attend!
A written report will be made from the actors and moderator’s comments/notes from the session and you will receive this with your recording.
Then a revised script, or one already at that pitching stage, could be embellished with SFX, sound design and music to make an exciting audio presentation SHOWCASE to potential agents, producers and investors/funding bodies.
Stand out from the pile! Book a recorded table read now.
We can just handle the sessions and the recording/editing, or DO THE LOT! That is: advertise for and seek out talent, go through reels and select cast, get them copies of the script and coordinate them for the session and sort all legal documentation: release forms, NDAs etc.) We then set up the read session itself and record it, edit out any stumbles/start-stops etc. Then if required, add SFX, Foley and music.
Now you can avoid the reading pile – BE HEARD instead!
Actors Voice Reels
Record your voice for agents and voice-over casting.
High quality podcast recording.
Audio Productions
Radio, Audiobooks, Web Series: Actors/narrators reading plus SFX & Music.