Essentially, it is a service (or set of services) that will help hone your script, novel or document, in order to ensure it is written in correct English, without spelling or grammatical errors, sort out formatting issues and much more, to help provide you with a more professional finished item for any presentation.
This is a must for anyone writing anything for presentation to any industry, or general public!
For scriptwriters, there are even more things to consider than pure grammar and form. This is because some of the ‘rules’ are different, such as how sentences are constructed when describing action in a script, for example, or for character nuances. As scriptwriters ourselves, we understand these differences, and are sympathetic to them.
In Brief:
There are different types of checks that can be done to any authored document to ensure it is written correctly, and there are also some that are specifically tailored for scriptwriting. Some elements of each do cross-over, but they all have their specific targeted areas.
- Proofreading: Grammar, spelling, misused words – pointing out errors that you can then change
- Proofreading Plus: As above, but going through and making the actual changes
- Copy-Editing: Language and expression – making suggestions for a better flow
- Proof-Editing: A combination of the 2 above
- Script Coverage: Concepts, strengths/weaknesses in script content (plot, structure, dialogue etc.) and more
- Script Doctoring: Making actual re-draft suggestions, above and beyond purely correcting procedures. This is a far more creative input.
More details and prices for each are explained below.
Our editors’ first language is English, and they will understand the conventions of English writing and the nuances of the language.
The Longer Version:
Proofreading explained
Proofreading has less ambition than editing and is therefore a cheaper service, but it still performs a vital role. Proofreading is the process of correcting surface errors in writing, such as grammatical, spelling, punctuation and other language mistakes.
These are key questions a proof-reader will consider when proofreading a piece of writing:
- Are there any spelling errors?
- Are full stops, commas, colons, semicolons, etc., used correctly?
- Have words that sound like one another but have different meanings, such as there, their and they’re, been used correctly?
- Have quotation marks and apostrophes been used appropriately?
- Are there any double spaces, particularly after full stops?
- Is the use of the English language correct?
Copy-editing explained
Copy-editing involves a proactive editor making changes and suggestions that will improve the overall quality of your writing, particularly in relation to language use and expression. After editing, your language will be sharp and consistent, your expression clear and the overall readability of your writing enhanced. Editing should ensure that your writing gives the impression that the English language comes naturally to you, even if it does not.
These are some key questions an editor will consider when editing a piece of writing:
- Are you using the correct formatting for scriptwriting? Not just margins and fonts, but also scriptwriting-specific syntax, capitals and so on?
- Have proper words been chosen to express your ideas? If it sounds like you have consulted a thesaurus throughout the document, an editor will pick up on it.
- Have you used a passive voice? An active voice is not always appropriate, but writing that is too passive does not make for compelling reading.
- Is the tone appropriate for the audience/genre?
- Do you use too many words? Using unnecessary and frivolous words is a common trait in many writers, and is a pet hate for readers.
- Are you over-writing? Too many action lines? Or under-writing?
- Have you used gendered language appropriately?
There will be some random spelling and grammar checks, but not as thoroughly as with proofreading or proof-editing, hence we highly recommend proof-editing for a fuller more professional finished script/document.
This is simply a combination of proofreading and copy-editing. In our view, if you are having copy-editing looked at and your script corrected to this level, you should also have proof-reading included, so use the ‘proof-editing’ service. This is because if the use of language, script formatting is perfected, but there are still spelling and grammar issues, it will still look unprofessional.
Script Coverage/Consulting explained
It’s called Script Analysis, Script Consultancy or Script Coverage, but all three terms amount to pretty much the same thing. There are definite do’s and don’ts in scriptwriting, and script analysis will cover these to some extent; things such as the strengths and weaknesses of:
- Concept
- Plot/Storyline
- Characters
- Dialogue
- Structure
- Marketability… and more
Script consultancy combined with a proof-editing service is the best way to ensure your script content is strong, as well as to demonstrate to anyone reading your script, that you have the ability to present your work in a very professional, industry-expected form, but we are more than happy to provide you with any of the levels mentioned.
Our Proofreading/Copy-editing and Proof-editing prices start from £25. We can also work on a fixed fee – saving you money on longer feature-length scripts.
TIP: If you need to save costs – but have the time, why not get the first 10 pages of a feature-length or similar script, copy-edited, but the whole thing proofread? That way all spelling/grammar will have been addressed and the basics in formatting and language pointed out and revised (with a report on how/what/why). Then you can use those ‘lessons’ to edit the rest yourself, saving us time and you money.
Script Analysis (a.k.a. Consultancy or Coverage) and Script Doctoring for Screenplays/Stage Plays/Radio Plays
This cost varies widely from company to company, starting from as little as £60 up to hundreds, depending on the depth of the report, length of script etc. One company I know of will actually help you re-write it (or ‘doctor’ it as it’s called) for a fee of £3,000!
Our friendly and effective service won’t cost that kind of money. Email us with the length of your script and your requirements and we will get you a comprehensive price.
Email for a quote or more info: scriptfix@spotter.world
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